CROSS culture
What is a
"Cross Culture?"
Cross Culture refers to a people unified by the blood of Jesus while still embracing and making room for difference across cultures.
Specifically, a Cross Culture church intentionally develops the people, purpose, and practices required to maintain unity across racial and ethnic differences. (Ephesians 4:1-3)
To that end, the Cross Culture Collective exists to create an ecosystem of resources and relationships to fuel a movement of cross culture churches.
Cross Culture
The Cohorts are a peer coaching network where church and ministry leaders can navigate the realities of leading a cross culture church in a increasingly divided world, together.
The Cohorts consists of regular group video calls with like-minded leaders and one-on-one conversations with Philip Pinckney, the Director of the Collective.
If you're a lead pastor, groups leader, worship leader, or any other ministry leader in a church moving towards being multiethnic, this cohort is for you!
cRoss Culture Workshops
This is a network of churches committed to planting Cross Cultural Churches. We share resources, strategies, and encouragement to sustain a multiethnic church planting movement.
Coming Soon!
A little bit about our Executive Director, Philip Pinckney.

Philip planted Radiant Church in 2017 and serves as its Lead Pastor. Radiant is an intentionally diverse church in North Charleston. Through the years, Radiant has fought to maintain a high level of diversity across racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic difference. Along the way, Pastor Philip realized that although it is definitely a work of the Spirit, there are some very practical steps any churches can take to reflect the diversity of its city. The Cross Culture Collective is an attempt to share what we know and learn from others in the hopes of creating a movement of multiethnic church planting in America.